Railway Air Conditioning System Pdf

Maintenance manual for bg coaches of icf design air conditioned coaches chapter 8 page 6 of 28 n run the plant for half an hour.
Railway air conditioning system pdf. Chapter product structure chapter objective structure requirement objective en 15380 2 mpg en 15380 2 spg verification 4 01 general op 4 01 01 general general the air conditioning system shall fulfil the. For unequaled temperature management to keep passengers and drivers comfortable you select the capacity that best suits your application. Precautionary measures taken in cmrl ug air conditioning system to manage covid 19 situation metro rail services were suspended temporarily due to the spread of covid 19. Proven in service throughout the world for more than 50 years there are now more than 70 000 merak and sigma systems in daily operation many in some of the world s toughest climates.
The double battery parallel block 24v dc train lighting system was in vogue on the indian railways till 1968. The following precautionary measures have been. And for an accurate temperature control these. Rail thermo king marine rail and air team launches new service app to ensure cold chain integrity for customers and dealers monday.
Oil pressure should be. In some large air conditioning systems air is cleaned by electricity. Air conditioning system in conventional type coaches in conventional type ac equipments provided. The salient feature of the double battery system of train lighter is as follows.
More examples of such railroad hvac control systems may be seen in the custom locker package section of our web site but most of the time it is possible to meet the needs of a typical pasenger car using one of our standard. A world of services for passengers 1 maintenance optimization of train air conditioning system lair william1 2 ziani rachid1 mercier sophie2 roussignol michel3 1 sncf direction de l innovation et de la recherche 45 rue de londres 75379 paris 08 france 33 0 1 53422130 william lair sncf fr rachid ziani sncf fr. Delivery pressure gauge reading should be 10 14 kg cm2. Check system operation specially the following.
After such a long period of service these rail vehicles are going to be refurbished and the existing 438 air conditioning systems will be equipped with bitzer ecoline h compressors 876 compressors altogether. Specification for air conditioning of railway vehicles addendum type re op dr tx nb. At left is a modular air conditioning and heat control system assembled for use in hvac system control on a business car owned by a major north american railroad company. In this type of system electrical precipitators remove the dust particles from the air.
Thermo king hvac systems for passenger rail. The air is first passed between plates where the dust particles are charged with electricity. Tunnel and its rail vehicles have been in operation since 1994. Suction pressure gauge reading should be 3 2 kg cm2.